On the 120th anniversary of the birth of the famous Poltava artist
DetailsOn the 170th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Ukrainian painter, architect, ethnographer, art historian and teacher
On the 135th anniversary of the birth of the Ukrainian classic of satirical prose of the twentieth century.
DetailsRecommendations for entities that conduct tourist activities (excursion services), tourist support specialists regarding the provision of information in formats accessible to persons with disabilities
In the Museum of the History of the Battle of Poltava, part of the exposition "Prut Campaign of 1711" has been updated
DetailsTo the 255th anniversary of the birth of the famous Poltava resident and the founder of modern Ukrainian literature
DetailsOn September 5, the memorial complex of Ivan Kotliarevskyi celebrated his anniversary
To the 170th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding theater actress
DetailsResults of the action held on the occasion of the Day of Medical Workers
Walking excursion dedicated to the fallen defenders of Ukraine - for Father's Day
Poltava played a key role in the life and work of Panas Myrnyi. Our city still respectfully preserves the memory of its famous countryman.
DetailsIn the Poltava Art Museum (Art Gallery) named after Mykola Yaroshenko, celebrations were held on the occasion of the jubilee date
DetailsAn open lecture-presentation as part of the celebration of the International Day of Monuments and Sites
DetailsThe results of the main tourist statistical observations for the 1st quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year in 2023:
DetailsTo the 175th anniversary of the birth of the famous Poltava photographer
DetailsWe congratulate the specialists of tourist support on a professional holiday!
Charity collection for the All-Ukrainian Day of Culture Workers and Masters of Folk Art!
Presentation of the unique encyclopedic edition of Vitalii Zakladnyi
DetailsPoltava museum workers held thematic events for people with hearing impairment on the occasion of the International Week of the Deaf People
DetailsEuropean Heritage Days were held in Poltava for the fifth time
DetailsIn the museum of the history of the Battle of Poltava, the online service "Ukrainian sign language interpreter" became available
DetailsAs part of the European Mobility Week, a promotion for visitors to the municipal museums of the city
DetailsInteractive theatrical event on the occasion of the 254th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Kotliarevskyi.
DetailsCelebrations on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the birth of Volodymyr Korolenko and the 95th anniversary of the opening of the Poltava Literary and Memorial Museum of V.G. Korolenko
To the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Poltava Literary Memorial Museum of V. Korolenko
DetailsThe results of visits to municipal museums of the city as part of an informational and educational campaign for schoolchildren.
DetailsVideo Project as part of the events for the Constitution Day of Ukraine
DetailsMuseum campaign for the Day of the medical worker from July 27 to 30, 2023
DetailsOn the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Raisa Kyrychenko, which will be held in October of this year, the Poltava Literary and Memorial Museum of Panas Myrnyi conducted walking thematic tour-approbation "My Poltava - Swan Song...".
DetailsMuseum promotion for schoolchildren for the period of summer school camps 08-27.06.2023
DetailsDigitization of exhibits of the State Part of Museum Fund of Ukraine - continues!
DetailsTo the Day of Children's Protection, human rights activities of the family of V. Korolenko
DetailsIn order to popularize bicycle tourism in Poltava, will be held the campaign "By bicycle - to the museum " and bicycle excursions.
DetailsOn the occasion of the International Day of Museums, visiting the municipal museums of the city is free of charge.
DetailsTo Mother's Day in Ukraine - mother's influence on the life and work of writers Ivan Kotlшarevskyi, Mykola Gogol, Panas Myrnyi and Volodymyr Korolenko.
DetailsMuseum environmental campaign for the International Day of Museums
DetailsQuantitative indicators of attendance at communal museums of the city during the action of the "Schoolchildren in the museum" campaign, which took place during the spring vacation from March 25 to April 2, 2023
Scientists of the Museum of the History of the Battle of Poltava held a thematic lecture for students of the National University "Poltava Polytechnic named after Yurii Kondratiuk"
DetailsMuseum promotion for schoolchildren for the period of spring vacation 23.03-02.04.2023
DetailsTo the 160th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
DetailsOn the occasion of World Tour Guide Day, a selection of tour guide pioneers in Poltava museums
DetailsTo the students of the Poltava State Medical University, museum curators of the Poltava Battle Field DIKZ presented a banner project about the personalities of the Mazepyn Ukrainians who became the first wave of political emigration
DetailsPresentation of a collection of unique local recipes from Poltava restaurateur and blogger Maryna Pushkariova.
DetailsResults of statistical observations of the tourist industry in Poltava for 2022 under martial law
DetailsWe invite residents of Poltava and guests of the city to join the International flash mob Museum selfie day!
DetailsIn the Museum of the History of the Battle of Poltava, a presentation of the exhibition project "Mazepyntsi - defenders of the independence of Ukraine" took place. It is dedicated to the first Ukrainian political emigration of the beginning of the 18th ce
DetailsThe literary and memorial museum of V. Korolenko continues the traditions of the writer's family
DetailsOn December 5, the world celebrates Volunteer Day, or International Volunteer Day in the name of economic and social development
DetailsDecember 3, 2022 marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Hryhoriy Savich Skovoroda - an outstanding Ukrainian humanist educator, philosopher, poet
DetailsOn the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Hryhorii Skovoroda, Poltava hosted a number of events dedicated to the philosopher's creative and cultural and social activities.
DetailsEvery year on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 and the mass artificial famines of 1921-1923 and 1946-1947.
DetailsConducting thematic lessons-excursions on the history of Ukraine and local history by scientists of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Poltava Battle Field"
DetailsAs part of the celebration of the Day of Dignity and Freedom, a master class on making trench candles for soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was held at the Panas Myrnyi Literary Memorial Museum in Poltava.
DetailsPresentation of the book "Hetman of Ukraine Pylyp Orlyk" by Lyudmila Shendryk, deputy director for scientific work of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Battlefield of Poltava"
DetailsActivities of the Poltava Art Museum under martial law
DetailsCooperation of the Department of Culture, Youth and Family of the Poltava City Council with the Kyiv office of the organization "Heritage Rescue Headquarters" in order to ensure preventive measures regarding the preservation of the museum collections
DetailsAll-Ukrainian exhibition on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Hryhoriy Skovoroda
DetailsToday marks the 350th anniversary of the birth of Hetman of Ukraine Pylyp Orlyk
DetailsA representative of the Poltava Battle History Museum took part in the conference of military museums in Gdansk (Poland)
DetailsThe September phenomenon of attendance at the Literary Memorial Museum of Panas Myrny
DetailsThe results of tourist statistical observations for 8 months of 2022 compared to the same period last year.
DetailsIvan Kotliarevskyi Literary Memorial Museum celebrates its 70th anniversary
DetailsOn the occasion of the holiday, an infographic about the monastery has been prepared by the Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Department of Culture, Youth and Family of the Poltava City Council
DetailsGreetings from colleagues on the occasion of the industry holiday
DetailsCity-wide action for cyclists within the framework of the European Mobility Week in Poltava
DetailsA month of active excursion events for Poltava residents and guests of the city
DetailsGeneralization of the work of the Literary Memorial Museum of Ivan Kotliarevskyi for the summer months of the current year
DetailsAcquaintance with the cultural heritage of the Poltava region during the integration meeting with internally displaced persons at the National University "Poltava Polytechnic named after Yurii Kondratiuk"
DetailsResults of tourist statistical observations for the first half of 2022 compared to the same period last year.
DetailsOn the occasion of International Cat Day, we talk about cats living in Poltava museums, which belong to the basic network of cultural institutions of the city
DetailsResults of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Battlefield of Poltava" during July of the current year
DetailsConcert at Ivan Kotlyarevsky manor museum on the occasion of Ukrainian Statehood Day
DetailsOn the occasion of the 169th anniversary of birthday, a selection of facts from the life and work of an outstanding writer, journalist, publicist and progressive public figure of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
DetailsCultural and educational event from the Poltava Battle History Museum on the territory of the Arboretum
DetailsThe season of excursions for citizens and IDPs has begun in Poltava museums.
DetailsGreetings from the museum community on the occasion of the professional holiday
DetailsA selection of quotes from Mykola Gogol's letters to family and friends, in which he confesses his love for his native Ukraine.
DetailsCongratulations of tourist guides and guides on the occasion of the professional holiday
DetailsPrepare an unusual surprise for your partner for Valentine's Day
DetailsRegional competition to support business entities and promote the tourist potential of the Poltava region
DetailsAn international museum flashmob will be held in Poltava for the sixth time
DetailsSincere wishes of happiness and good in the coming 2022.
DetailsAn event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the death of writer Volodymyr Korolenko will be held in Poltava
DetailsCitywide action for Poltava schoolchildren. During the winter holidays there is a 50% discount on the entrance ticket to the municipal museums of the city.
DetailsEvery year from December 19 at the Art Museum (Art Gallery). M. Yaroshenko exhibits a unique icon with which Mykola Gogol is associated
DetailsThe third tourist kiosk with useful information about the museum and the city was opened in the Poltava museum.
DetailsA free course from Google for small and medium-sized tourism businesses, including the hotel and restaurant industry.
DetailsIn the literary-memorial museum of V. Korolenko presented a new application using augmented reality technology
DetailsAs part of the national project Action.Digital Education, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine announces the month of digital literacy in November 2021.
DetailsA citywide action for schoolchildren took place in Poltava. Results of visits to communal museums during October 25-31, 2021
DetailsCitywide action for Poltava schoolchildren. For the period of school health camps there is a 50% discount on the entrance ticket to the municipal museums of the city.
DetailsPhoto report from the celebrations on the occasion of the industry holiday
DetailsCongratulations to the tourist community on their professional holiday!
DetailsEuropean Heritage Days were held in Poltava for the third time. Interesting non-standard excursions and performances were waiting for the visitors.
DetailsOn the occasion of the City Day on September 23, a grand citywide project "Poltava - in each of us" will start! Festive events are being prepared all over the city to make it interesting for everyone! We invite Poltava residents and guests of the city t
DetailsWe invite Poltava residents and guests to interesting and informative events as part of the European Heritage Days in Poltava.
DetailsA popular mobile app that offers interesting walks around the city is now available in Poltava
DetailsFamiliarization trip of representatives of structural subdivisions of Poltava City Council to Vinnytsia. Exchange of experience and study of best practices.
DetailsCompetition for the best tourist photo of Poltava
DetailsCitywide action for Poltava schoolchildren. For the period of school health camps there is a 50% discount on the entrance ticket to the municipal museums of the city.
DetailsFree entrance to communal museums on the occasion of the Bicycle day
DetailsAs part of the celebration of World Embroidery Day in Poltava, a memorial plaque to the outstanding Ukrainian embroiderer Vira Roik was unveiled
DetailsOn the occasion of the International Museum Day, the first city street touch tourist kiosk was solemnly opened on the Cathedral Square
DetailsOpen day in the municipal museums of the city on the occasion of the industry holiday.
DetailsInformational video review of monuments and memorial places of Poltava related to the World War II
DetailsThe Poltava Museum has become a filming location for a new project of the TSN team
DetailsFact of the cultural heritage of Poltava city
DetailsOn April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yurii Gagarin made the first manned space flight. This memorable historical date has been celebrated in the world for 60 years.
DetailsThe State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Poltava Battle Field" celebrates its 40th anniversary!
DetailsOn the occasion of the International Tourist Guide Day, under which the mayor was awarded city guides and veterans of sightseeing.
Details"Ivan Myasoyedov's Worlds" is a new interactive tourist route that starts at the Poltava Art Museum and goes through the city to the artist's estate, where the current gravimetric observatory, which is subordinated to the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, i
DetailsPoltava has an updated city site for tourists and guests of the city The new modern tourist site of the city takes into account all the priority information needs of users who may be interested in Poltava in terms of excursions
DetailsA new sculptural composition has appeared in Poltava to mark the 120th anniversary of Poltavavookanal: a collective image of a communal worker and a cat
DetailsThe eco-park is open now, in the winter, and is waiting for everyone to visit.