Work on preservation of museum monuments

Робота зі збереження музейних пам’яток
31-10-2022 | 11:00:00

    In the conditions of open armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the issue of preservation of cultural heritage and museum objects (exhibits) of the National Museum Fund of Ukraine is becoming extremely urgent. Since March of this year, Ukraine has implemented an inter-museum initiative to respond to challenges caused by martial law - the "Heritage Rescue Headquarters". It is a non-governmental public organization that operates on the basis of a volunteer initiative and has its offices in Lviv and Kyiv.
    The other day, the Department of Culture, Youth and Family of the Poltava City Council received a set of packaging and related materials from the Kyiv office of the organization (National Reserve "Sofia Kyivska", Volodymyrska Street, 24) in order to ensure preventive measures regarding the preservation of the museum collections of the municipal museums of the city. The specified materials will find appropriate use among the five museums of the basic network of cultural institutions of the city. Funds for the purchase of materials and their transportation to Ukraine were provided by individuals and legal entities of the Federal Republic of Germany with the support of the international organization World Heritage Watch. Special thanks to Iryna Nikiforova, an authorized representative of the organization, a member of the Commission on Cultural Heritage and Cultural Values ​​under the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, for her personal curatorship of the Poltava museums.
    To date, according to UNESCO, damage to 207 cultural objects has been confirmed since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, among them:
• 88 religious objects;
• 15 museums;
• 76 historical buildings;
• 18 attractions;
• 10 libraries.

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